Table of Contents

Driven Administration Guide

version 1.1.1

Integrating with third-party monitoring applications with JMX

The Java Management Extensions (JMX) API is a standard API for managing and monitoring of resources such as applications, devices, services, and the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Typical uses of the JMX technology include:

  • Gathering statistics about application behavior.

  • Notifying of state changes and erroneous conditions.

The JMX API includes remote access so that a remote management program can interact with a running application for these purposes.

Setting up an JMX Interface to a Driven Server

Driven Scope has the option for setting up an JMX interface for proxy scope queries to a Driven server. This enables any tool supporting the JMX interface to monitor pre-canned stats from Driven.

Before performing the following steps, make sure that Driven is running your Cascading applications.

Step 1: Start Driven Scope in daemon mode

In the driven-client directory, enter:

$ driven scope --jmx

Make sure that Scope JMX has started.

started Scope JMX

Step 2: Open JConsole monitoring tool

First open a web browser. In the command terminal, enter:

$ JConsole

The JConsole New Connection window appears.


Figure 1: JConsole displays the local process, " --jmx"

In the Local Process pane, select --jmx, then click Connect.

Step 3: Monitoring Driven Operations in the MBeans tab

Click the MBeans tab. Next, expand the --jmx option to Operations.


Figure 2: View the Operations menu

Driven Operation

The JConsole monitoring tool helps you manage Driven operations. Highlight the desired option to view the MBean operation information. Use the Operation invocation pane to launch specific details of the Driven operation.


The statusCounts operation displays the count of your Cascading applications with a specific status (FAILED, SUCCESSFUL, STOPPED).


Figure 3: The Operation return value pop-up displays the count of the app status

In this example, enter app in the the processType field, then click statusCounts. The Operation return value pop-up window displays the count of all Cascading applications based on its status.


The getAppDetail operation displays the application name and ID, start and finish times, its duration and current status.


Figure 4: The Operation return value pop-up displays the application details and status

In this example, enter the app ID value, 1AED50E0B1F947A787AD20AA3F2DD224 in the id field, then click getAppDetail. The Operation return value pop-up window displays the application details and current status.


The findApps operation displays all apps with the values that you provided in your query. These attributes consist of the application’s status (SKIPPED, STARTED, SUBMITTED, RUNNING, SUCCESSFUL, STOPPED FAILED), time unit (DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES) and the amount in the desired time unit.


Figure 5: The Operation return value pop-up displays all applications that meet your search attributes

In this example, enter FAILED in the status field, DAYS in the timeUnit field, and 100 in the amount field. Then click findApps. The Operation return value pop-up window displays all application with the specified values for the search attributes.


The getProcessTypes operation displays all process types (app, flow, step, slice) in Driven.


Figure 6: The Operation return value pop-up displays all Driven process types

In this example, click getProcessTypes and the Operation return value pop-up window displays all Driven process types.


The getStatuses operation displays all application statuses (SKIPPED, STARTED, SUBMITTED, RUNNING, SUCCESSFUL, STOPPED, FAILED).


Figure 7: The Operation return value pop-up displays all application statuses

In this example, click getStatuses and the Operation return value pop-up window displays all application statuses.


The getTimeUnits operation displays all time units (DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES).


Figure 8: The Operation return value pop-up displays application time unit

In this example, click getTimeUnits and the Operation return value pop-up window displays all application time unit.