001    /*
002     * Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Concurrent, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
003     *
004     * Project and contact information: http://www.cascading.org/
005     *
006     * This file is part of the Cascading project.
007     *
008     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
009     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
010     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
011     *
012     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
013     *
014     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
015     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
016     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
017     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
018     * limitations under the License.
019     */
021    package cascading.util;
023    import java.util.Map;
024    import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
025    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
027    import cascading.operation.BaseOperation;
028    import cascading.operation.Operation;
029    import cascading.pipe.Pipe;
030    import cascading.scheme.Scheme;
031    import cascading.tap.Tap;
033    /**
034     *
035     */
036    public class TraceUtil
037      {
038      /**
039       * The set of regex patterns specifying fully qualified class or package names that serve as boundaries
040       * for collecting traces and apiCalls in captureDebugTraceAndApiCall.
041       */
042      private static final Map<String, Pattern> registeredApiBoundaries = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Pattern>();
044      private static interface TraceFormatter
045        {
046        String format( String trace );
047        }
049      /**
050       * Add a regex that serves as a boundary for tracing. That is to say any trace
051       * captured by {@link #captureDebugTrace(Object)} will be from a caller that comes higher in the
052       * stack than any apiBoundary package or class.
053       *
054       * @param apiBoundary
055       */
056      public static void registerApiBoundary( String apiBoundary )
057        {
058        registeredApiBoundaries.put( apiBoundary, Pattern.compile( apiBoundary ) );
059        }
061      /**
062       * Remove a regex as a boundary for tracing. See registerApiBoundary.
063       *
064       * @param apiBoundary
065       */
066      public static void unregisterApiBoundary( String apiBoundary )
067        {
068        registeredApiBoundaries.remove( apiBoundary );
069        }
071      /**
072       * Allows for custom trace fields on Pipe, Tap, and Scheme types
073       *
074       * @param object
075       * @param trace
076       */
077      public static void setTrace( Object object, String trace )
078        {
079        Util.setInstanceFieldIfExists( object, "trace", trace );
080        }
082      private static String formatTrace( Traceable traceable, String message, TraceFormatter formatter )
083        {
084        if( traceable == null )
085          return message;
087        String trace = traceable.getTrace();
089        if( trace == null )
090          return message;
092        return formatter.format( trace ) + " " + message;
093        }
095      public static String formatTrace( final Scheme scheme, String message )
096        {
097        return formatTrace( scheme, message, new TraceFormatter()
098        {
099        @Override
100        public String format( String trace )
101          {
102          return "[" + Util.truncate( scheme.toString(), 25 ) + "][" + trace + "]";
103          }
104        } );
105        }
107      /**
108       * Method formatRawTrace does not include the pipe name
109       *
110       * @param pipe    of type Pipe
111       * @param message of type String
112       * @return String
113       */
114      public static String formatRawTrace( Pipe pipe, String message )
115        {
116        return formatTrace( pipe, message, new TraceFormatter()
117        {
118        @Override
119        public String format( String trace )
120          {
121          return "[" + trace + "]";
122          }
123        } );
124        }
126      public static String formatTrace( final Pipe pipe, String message )
127        {
128        return formatTrace( pipe, message, new TraceFormatter()
129        {
130        @Override
131        public String format( String trace )
132          {
133          return "[" + Util.truncate( pipe.getName(), 25 ) + "][" + trace + "]";
134          }
135        } );
136        }
138      public static String formatTrace( final Tap tap, String message )
139        {
140        return formatTrace( tap, message, new TraceFormatter()
141        {
142        @Override
143        public String format( String trace )
144          {
145          return "[" + Util.truncate( tap.toString(), 25 ) + "][" + trace + "]";
146          }
147        } );
148        }
150      public static String formatTrace( Operation operation, String message )
151        {
152        if( !( operation instanceof BaseOperation ) )
153          return message;
155        String trace = ( (BaseOperation) operation ).getTrace();
157        if( trace == null )
158          return message;
160        return "[" + trace + "] " + message;
161        }
163      public static String captureDebugTrace( Object target )
164        {
165        StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
167        StackTraceElement candidateUserCodeElement = null;
168        StackTraceElement apiCallElement = null;
169        Class<?> tracingBoundary = target.getClass();
170        String boundaryClassName = tracingBoundary.getName();
172        // walk from the bottom of the stack(which is at the end of the array) upwards towards any boundary.
173        // The apiCall is the element at the boundary and the previous stack element is the user code
174        for( int i = stackTrace.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
175          {
176          StackTraceElement stackTraceElement = stackTrace[ i ];
177          String stackClassName = stackTraceElement.getClassName();
179          boolean atApiBoundary = atApiBoundary( stackTraceElement.toString() );
181          if( ( stackClassName != null && ( stackClassName.startsWith( boundaryClassName ) ) || atApiBoundary ) )
182            {
183            // only record the apiCallElement if we're at an apiBoundary. That means
184            // Trace will only have "apiMethod() @ call_location" when a registered
185            // api boundary is found. The default for Cascading will just have
186            // call_location.
187            if( atApiBoundary )
188              apiCallElement = stackTraceElement;
190            break;
191            }
193          candidateUserCodeElement = stackTraceElement;
194          }
196        String userCode = candidateUserCodeElement == null ? "" : candidateUserCodeElement.toString();
197        String apiCall = "";
199        if( apiCallElement != null )
200          {
201          String method = apiCallElement.getMethodName();
203          if( method.equals( "<init>" ) )
204            apiCall = String.format( "new %s()", getSimpleClassName( apiCallElement.getClassName() ) );
205          else
206            apiCall = String.format( "%s()", method );
207          }
209        return userCode.isEmpty() ? apiCall : apiCall.isEmpty() ? userCode : String.format( "%s @ %s", apiCall, userCode );
210        }
212      private static Object getSimpleClassName( String className )
213        {
214        if( className == null || className.isEmpty() )
215          return "";
217        String parts[] = className.split( "\\." );
219        if( parts.length == 0 )
220          return "";
222        return parts[ parts.length - 1 ];
223        }
225      private static boolean atApiBoundary( String stackTraceElement )
226        {
227        for( Pattern boundary : registeredApiBoundaries.values() )
228          {
229          if( boundary.matcher( stackTraceElement ).matches() )
230            return true;
231          }
233        return false;
234        }
235      }