Package cascading.pipe

Interface Summary

Class Summary
Checkpoint The Checkpoint pipe, if supported by the current planner, will force data to be persisted at the point in the tuple stream an instance of Checkpoint is inserted into the pipe assembly.
CoGroup The CoGroup pipe allows for two or more tuple streams to join into a single stream via an optional Joiner.
Each The Each operator applies either a Function or a Filter to each entry in the Tuple stream.
Every The Every operator applies an Aggregator or Buffer to every grouping.
GroupBy The GroupBy pipe groups the Tuple stream by the given groupFields.
HashJoin The HashJoin pipe allows for two or more tuple streams to join into a single stream via a Joiner when all but one tuple stream is considered small enough to fit into memory.
Merge The Merge Pipe allows for multiple branches, with the same fields to be spliced back into a single stream.
Operator An Operator is a type of Pipe.
Pipe Class Pipe is used to name branches in pipe assemblies, and as a base class for core processing model types, specifically Each, Every, GroupBy, CoGroup, Merge, HashJoin, and SubAssembly.
Splice The base class for GroupBy, CoGroup, Merge, and HashJoin.
SubAssembly Subclasses of SubAssembly encapsulate complex assemblies of Pipes so they my be reused in the same manner a Pipe is used.

Exception Summary
OperatorException Class OperatorException is thrown during field name resolution during planning

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